Our Clinics

Alajuelita, Costa Rica (FIMRC)

Alajuelita is one of the neighbourhoods that make up Costa Rica’s capital city San Jose's "Ring of Poverty". There are approximately 12,500 Nicaraguan refugees and impoverished Costa Rican citizens settled here. The majority of this population, comprising largely women and their children, is medically uninsured. FIMRC have a health clinic providing clinical care and health education. The project reports ‘our new database for patient records is in place and we are currently getting all of our records in the new format – thanks for volunteers helping out’. One of the doctors working at the project says ‘I’m very happy with the software, it’s very helpful and excellent’.

The clinic is recording consultations daily and had over 8,000 patients registered by January 2020.

IRHS Hyderabad, India (IRHS)

IRHS (Institute for Rural Health Studies)strives to provide quality preventive and curative healthcare to some of the poorest rural communities in Telangana, South India. Drought-prone rural Mahbubnagar District is one of the poorest regions in India. With high mortality and morbidity rates and lack of access to basic health care, this large district ranks as one of the poorest in India on all measures: health, agriculture, education and literacy. Due to poverty-related illnesses coupled with lack of information and ability to travel, villagers find themselves stranded and helpless. The IRHS Clinic started to use OutreachEMR system in late 2018.

Matuwa, Uganda (Reach for Uganda)

Arlington Academy of Hope partners with communities in rural Uganda to improve the quality of their daily lives and realise their future potential through improved education, healthcare and community development.

The clinic at Matuwa, Bupoto, is in an incredibly remote but beautiful, mountainous part of Uganda. The local population are subsistence farmers. They live and work on the mountain.

The clinic has developed a great team now who are all using the computer system. At the end of 2024 over 34,500 patients were registered. OutreachEMR has proved invaluable not only with chronological, electronic medical records but also by enabling the provision of essential statistics.

Bushika, Uganda (FIMRC)

Bushika sits at the base of Mt. Elgon, approximately 260km east of Kampala in a remote zone. Extreme poverty, a lack of infrastructure and low education levels all contribute to a complex health situation. Our first clinic, it has recently been rebuilt and now provides services to 14 different communities with over 80,000 patients registered on the database. As well as primary care, the clinic provides health education, antenatal services, maternity ward, HIV testing and counselling, laboratory services and malaria testing. Bushika is one of several clinics run by a US Charity: Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children (FIMRC)

Thanks to our EMRs this clinic provides medical data to the local District Health Department in a fraction of the time that it used to do when using a paper based system.

Bumwalukani, Uganda

(Beatrice Tierney Health Centre)

Working with our partners ‘Reach for Uganda’ Arlington USA, this clinic, with intermittent power and unreliable Wi-Fi, we were able to re-introduce the OutreachEMR  desktop system to run without internet. We also allocated a link to their designated cloud site, so they are able to synchronise all patient data from the desktop to their cloud site when Wi-Fi is present as a data backup.

The staff were delighted they were able to learn to use our OutreachEMR system in just a few days and

have the benefits of it in such an unreliable Wi-Fi area. The clinic manager is keen they will be able to convert to a totally cloud based system in the future, as Wi-Fi improves. He explained patient numbers are on the increase already.

You can watch a video of this clinic on our home page:   ‘Take a tour of a clinic: Bumwalukani Clinic Stations’

Kisenyi, Kampala, Uganda (LHTC)

Let The Children Hear is a UK registered charity based in Harpenden. Their mission is to improve the hearing outcomes of children in Uganda by working from Kisenyi Health Centre in Kampala. They work adjacent to Kampala’s busiest maternity hospital.

They find having a cloud-based system enables the skilled staff in the UK to monitor, support, and train the staff in Kampala by having real time access to the system while based in the UK. This proved very helpful during the Covid travel ban.

The flexibility of OutreachEMR's system has allowed them to adapt it to their particular needs e.g. disease codes to recall annual hearing tests and hearing aids are added as a prescription for stock control, ordering and monitoring.

Staff report that ‘Outreachemr allows them to work with families to protect their child’s hearing, to protect their future. 'We couldn’t work without it now’.

Kafakumba, Zambia

The Kafakumba Transformational Outreach Clinic is funded by the Enright Foundational Ministries based in Port Orange Florida USA. They support initiatives in Zambia and DR Congo.

The clinic seeks to improve the level of healthcare to international standards for those in the Copperbelt of Zambia. The clinic opened in 2022 offering primary care outpatient services but is developing to include maternity, emergency and surgical services hence the need for electronic medical records.

They have found benefit from chronological medical records and particularly prescription recording giving accurate, safer prescribing and monitoring.

The latest version 4.0 of OutreachEMR has extended maternity pages offering midwives immediate access to essential patient details.

Some of our other users

Bushika Government Clinic, Uganda.

Malaria Centre 2, Uganda.

Bukasakya Health Centre II, Uganda.

Ourganda Mobile Clinics x 2, Uganda.

Mbale Municipal Health Centre II, Uganda.

Bukhaweka Health Centre II, Uganda.

Mpunde Health Clinic II, Uganda.

Integritas Healthcare, Philippines.

Vidnueva, Nicaragua.

Annoor Sanatorium for Chest Disease, Jordan.

Hope for Haiti, Haiti.

Haiti Endowment Fund, Haiti.

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