Using Outreach EMR makes a clinic feel different..
Before Outreach EMR
You have been ill and need help.
You have had malaria 3 times this year and reacted to one of the drugs and your partner has HIV/AIDS.
You visit your local health centre but they don’t know who you are or your past history, what drugs you may be on or what treatment has or has not worked.
Consultations in the clinic have to be very quick as there are so many people waiting and you are pleased to be seen by a qualified person.
The nurse gives you a written note for a prescription without knowing your past medical history - it may be that medication doesn’t work for you.
With Outreach EMR
You have been ill and need help. You visit your local clinic again. They have a record of your name and your past history on the screen.
It is a different nurse from last time, but they can read you have had to return for the same problem, so make more time to ask you about the symptoms.
There is a note from a previous discussion to say that you are to have an HIV test with any prolonged illness. The coding on screen shows you have recurrent malaria and the nurse asks why this happens and if you have a malaria net to cover your bed?
The fact the HIV test is on the computer means you go for a blood test and the blood taker doesn’t shout ‘what is she to be tested for?’ and the nurse shouts back ‘HIV test’.
Get the Idea?
Effective medical care is impossible without chronological medical records and patient safety can be compromised without them.
Overview of functionality - The Outreach EMR system:
The system is easy to use – clinical staff with no computer experience are normally able to use the system smoothly after a few days.
Outreach EMR enables the recording of:
Outreach EMR is easy to install and run (and we can update software for you remotely if you take the hosted solution) – see this page for details. Our GPs and technologists will support your roll out of our system, particularly if it is your first significant use of IT.
Please contact us if you think Outreach EMR might be the system for you.
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