
Outreach EMR is entirely funded by donations.

The Committee is actively engaged in fundraising activities that will generate cash directly, but we are also actively pursuing partnerships, both corporate and personal, that can provide long term stability for The Project.

How to Donate

Donations & Fundraising

Direct Donations - did you know that by gift aiding donations we can increase the amount you give by 25%?

Gift Aid is a government scheme enabling registered charities to reclaim tax on a donation by a UK taxpayer increasing it by 25%. It also enables you to claim on your tax return and you will save any tax you pay on the amount at a rate over the basic 20%. A benefit to us both.

All you need to do is click on the Gift-Aid Form button belowprint it off, complete it and sign then send it together with your cheque to our Treasurer:

G Millar
The White House
28 Water End,
York, YO30 6LP.

(or send a BACS transfer to OutreachEMR: please email us for account details)

Alternatively, you can give the gift aid form and cheque to any of our committee members.
Download Your Gift-Aid Form Here

Find out about Fundraising and Events here



The United Nations recognises that healthcare is one area of great inequality between people.

Outreach EMR improves individual, social and economic outcomes by promoting community health, reducing mortality and facilitating targeted interventions to minimise the negative impact of disease on community life. It therefore helps countries deliver on the following.

United Nations Strategic Development Goals:

  • SDG3, ‘Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages’
  • SDG10, ‘Reduce inequality within and among countries’
  • SDG17, ‘Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development’
Read All The United Nations Strategic Goals Here

How Outreach EMR helps

Outreach EMR allows clinicians to:

  • improve treatment
  • quickly and accurately identify epidemics or other worrying trends in diseases and communicate those details to government
  • monitor medical inventory/stock better, minimising misuse, so that more of it reaches those who need it

In 2012 the World Health Organisation’s Global Observatory for eHealth series (Volume 6) found evidence to demonstrate:

  • increase in immunization rates,
  • improved data collection
  • increased staff productivity
  • increased visitor satisfaction with services
  • improved communication
  • improved quality of care
  • reduced medical errors

Why we need your support

Funding is the major constraint limiting the roll out of Outreach EMR and all of the benefits it provides. We therefore need donors and sponsors to help us continue our work. We are always delighted to find new supporters and are currently seeking supporters interested in:

  • Certain clinic's system costs (the costs per clinic are around £120 per year - but that is a cost that is beyond the resources of some of our clinics)
  • Funding future developments of the Outreach EMR system (we have lots more ideas we would love to deliver)
  • Funding the cost of the hardware clinics need to get started
  • Helping to get our message out to clinics so more people can benefit from Outreach EMR

Please contact us for further information or donate using the information above. Thank you.

Please consider leaving Outreach EMR a legacy

Legacies are a key source of support for charities and Outreach EMR is no exception. Our donors' generosity allows us to achieve the many benefits listed above for disadvantaged communities.

If you are considering supporting Outreach EMR with a legacy, your usual adviser will be able to help you, whether you plan to leave:

  • a specific amount (known as a "pecuniary legacy") or
  • a share of your estate after pecuniary legacies, tax, etc have been paid (known as a "residuary legacy")

If for any reason you do not have an adviser, we can recommend professionals we believe will do a good job. 

We appreciate that you will have other competing demands on your resources and that your plans may change in the future, but we will be extremely grateful for anything you can do to support Outreach EMR.

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