Charity details
Founded in 2016, Outreach EMR is a charitable incorporated organisation.
Registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales under number 1159060.
Our registered address is:
Fir Tree Farm,
Main Street,
York, YO61 1DP,
United Kingdom.
You can find more information on the Charity Commission’s website.
Until July 2021, Outreach EMR was called “EMR4DW Electronic Medical Records for the Developing World” and traded as EMR4DW.
Contact details
You can contact us using this form or write to us at:
Fir Tree Farm,
Main Street,
York, YO61 1DP, United Kingdom.
Our Story
Read about how Outreach EMR began and it's work here.
Key people
Bios for our key people, including trustees and committee members, can be found here.
We operate a number of policies including those listed here.
Our privacy policy is here.
Intellectual Property
The information and other materials on this website are the copyright of Outreach EMR (©2021, all rights reserved).
“Outreach EMR” and “EMR4DW” are trademarks and trading names of Outreach EMR.
Use of this Site
You are free to download this site and copy parts of this site in other materials as long as:
You may not amend any part of this site or any material you reproduce from this site. You may only link to this site if you have our permission. Please use contact us if you wish to seek that consent.
Linked information
We are not responsible for any information you find via a link on this website to any third party website or service.
Compliance and responsibility for errors
This website is based in England and it complies with English law; it does not comply with the laws of other countries and if that worries you, you should not use this site.
The content of this site is not advice upon which you may rely, though we have taken care to ensure it is an accurate description of Outreach EMR’s approach.
All Rights Reserved | OutreachEMR